Trello Tutorial for Beginners

Trello Tutorial for Beginners

Trello is a popular project management and work organization tool used by individuals and teams around the world. With a simple, easy-to-use interface, Trello makes it easy to organize your work and track project progress. Whether you are new to Trello or looking to improve your work management, this article will provide a detailed guide to help you get started and optimize your use of Trello.

Table of Contents

    1. Create an Account and Log In to Trello

    First, you need to create a Trello account by going to You can sign up with your email or quickly log in via Google. Once you’ve signed up and verified your account, you can start creating boards and managing your projects.

    Trello has a free version with all the basic features. If you need more advanced features like process automation, integration with other apps, you can consider upgrading to paid plans.

    Steps to create an account:

    • Go to and click “Sign Up”.
    • Choose to sign up with email or Google account.
    • Confirm your account via email and log in to Trello.

    2. Create Board and List

    In Trello, every project or task is organized as a board. Each board can contain multiple lists, and within each list there are cards that represent specific tasks or jobs. To create a new board, simply click the button “Create new board” and name your table.

    After you create a board, you can add lists to organize your work. For example, you can create progress lists like “To Do,” “In Progress,” “Done,” or organize by project stage.

    Steps to create table:

    • Click the “Create new board” button.
    • Name your board and choose a background color or image of your choice.
    • Click “Create Board” to finish.
    • Add a list to the board by clicking “Add a list”.

    3. Add Cards and Manage Tasks

    Cards are where you manage each specific task or job in your project. To add a new card to the list, simply tap “Add a card” and name the card. Each card can contain information such as a detailed description, checklist, due date, attachments, and assign a responsible person.

    You can also drag and drop cards between lists to track your progress, from pending to completed. This makes it easy to keep track of your projects and make sure every task is handled on time.

    Steps to add card:

    • Click “Add a card” below the list of cards you want to add.
    • Name the card and click “Add Card”.
    • Click on a card to add a description, checklist, or assign a person in charge.
    • Drag and drop cards between lists to track progress.

    4. Use Labels and Filters

    To manage work more efficiently, Trello offers a Label feature to categorize cards by task group or priority level. You can create color-coded labels for cards that represent different types of work, such as “High Priority”, “Low Priority”, or “Team Work”. This makes it easy to identify important tasks at a glance.

    Filter is also a powerful tool that helps you search and filter tags based on specific labels or keywords, saving time when managing multiple tags in a large project.

    How to use labels and filters:

    • Tap on a card and select “Labels” to add labels to the card.
    • Select or create a new label with the appropriate color.
    • Use the search bar on the board to filter cards by label or keyword.

    5. Assign Members and Track Projects

    One of Trello’s powerful features is its ability to collaborate with teams. You can assign members to each card to delegate tasks, keeping track of who is responsible for which task. This creates transparency and ensures that everyone is on the same page.

    You can also follow group activity in the Activity of the board, which shows updates about changes, comments, or newly created cards. This feature helps ensure the project runs smoothly and all tasks are managed effectively.

    Steps to assign members:

    • Click on the card you want to assign a member to.
    • Select “Members” and search for the member name in the list.
    • Click on the member name to assign to the card.
    Trello Tutorial for Beginners
    Trello interface is simple and easy to use, suitable for beginners.

    Using Trello Effectively for Beginners

    Trello is a simple yet powerful project management tool that helps you organize and track projects visually. With features like boards, lists, cards, and team management, you can easily get up and running with Trello in just a few minutes. Follow the steps in this article to get the most out of Trello for your work and projects.

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